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Dear Friend,
You’re a great multiplier.
Especially when it comes to sharing the gospel!
Let me explain. At the end of last year, you may have received a letter from me, where I wrote:
“As our students’ love for Jesus grows and multiplies, your generosity will too! Because soon, the young people you’ve invested in will begin to help others take their first steps towards Jesus.”
I’m excited to share with you an update on the multiplying effects of your love and generosity. This story beautifully illustrates just what kind of impact you’ve had on our staff, students and their peers.
Let me introduce you to Jin,* an international student.
When he came to Canada to start his education, Jin was looking for a way to get connected to a community and make new friends.
For so many of the international students we minister to, loneliness and confusion can be big challenges in a new country. That’s why we form Bridges community groups—as a way to connect to students like Jin.
We want to be a home away from home: a place that provides welcome, care, and support for these international students. We share the love of Jesus in practical ways like: meals, winter clothes, and conversational English groups.
With your support, we’re also able to ensure that, in these community groups, meaningful, authentic conversations about faith and spirituality happen with international students.
And that’s exactly what Tim, one of our staff members, did. He and Jin had several spiritual conversations over the course of a year. But Jin was still skeptical: he appreciated the belonging he found in this group, but was still guarded when it came to faith.
But just a few months later, Jin was invited to a worship night…
And took his next steps towards Jesus by accepting him as his Lord and Saviour! Praise God!
Jin’s journey to faith is a beautiful reason to celebrate in and of itself. But this is where even more of your multiplication comes in.
Because of your support, Jin was mentored by our staff and made many new friends at Power to Change - Students.
In December, Tim introduced him to Wei.* Jin shared the gospel with Wei and Wei accepted Jesus into his heart. Now, Wei is being mentored to introduce Jesus to others on campus.
From your love and support, to our staff’s mentorship, to Jin’s acceptance of Jesus, to Wei’s new faith, to even more future growth…
This is the kind of powerful chain reaction that happens when you support our ministry! Jesus takes whatever you share with us and just keeps growing it from there.
I can’t say it enough: thank you for all you do for us, our staff, and our students. We’re all infinitely grateful for you and your generosity—and the gospel multiplication you’re experiencing with us.
With gratitude,
Andy Smits, National Director
Power to Change-Students
P.S. Thank you for the powerful ways in which you support us, our staff, and our students. Jin’s and Wei’s stories of coming to faith are the perfect example of what happens when you share your love with us. Jesus is taking what you share and multiplying it to bring even more young people to faith!
* We changed the names of these international students to protect their privacy here in Canada and in their home countries.
These numbers and programs are just the start of our gratitude! Think of all the multiplication that will keep happening beyond this.
89% I have developed a true friendship with at least one other person.
86% I feel a deeper connection to the broader body of Christ (locally, nationally, or even internationally).
84% I have recently had a conversation about Jesus with a person who does not identify as a Christian.
80% of students involved in our community are living on mission.
78 ministry programs facilitated for students
2314 Involved students as leaders or Bible study participants
Students explored the gospel through Alpha and Christianity Explored courses on six campuses across Canada throughout the school year.
“Relevant” in Montreal and Toronto were two apologetics event series hosted in partnership with other ministries. “Is God still Relevant?” was the topic at two outreach events in Waterloo. For all of these events, different speakers were brought in to talk about various topics and answer students' questions.
Friendships built through shared meals, English Corner groups, and by serving students’ practical needs led to many meaningful gospel conversations.
A monthly discussion night in Edmonton where students of all backgrounds can come share a meal and consider life’s big questions together.
Over 1000 students participated in one of our retreats this year. Whether it be Summit in the fall or the newer initiative of a winter retreat, students had the opportunity to get away for a weekend in their region and experience God! Through main sessions, workshops, food, and fun activities, students grew in community and faith, and considered how Jesus might be asking them to take a step closer to him.
Twice a year, our Creative Communications department puts on Meaning Makers. Students are invited to see how creativity and spirituality connect. Through writing and conversation, participants experience Jesus through the ways he’s gifted them.
In partnership with International Student Ministries Canada & local churches across Canada, in 11 cities, more than 1300 International students were connected with a Christian family to experience Canadian holidays and community as they live in a new country.
Over 90 students and staff went on a mission trip to one of seven different locations. P2C partnered with local ministries in each respective location to invite students and staff alike to share the life-transforming love of God and live missionally through the Holy Spirit.
Power to Change Ministries is a charter member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities. Your financial support is very important to our ministry. We take every step necessary to ensure your money is used in a responsible and Christ-like manner. Our Canadian charitable organization number is 118827849RR0001. For US source donations only, your donation will be received by us in trust for Power to Change International, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. If you have any questions, please contact our Partner Care Centre at 1.855.P2C.GIVE (1.855.722.4483).